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Fight for LibertyDefending Democracy in the Age of Trump【電子書籍】
<p><strong>Anne Applebaum, Garry Kasparov, Max Boot, and a constellation of other thinkers make the urgent case for liberal democracy---reinvigorating its</strong> <strong>central values in an age of doubt and discord.</strong></p> <p>Liberal democracy is in crisis around the world, besieged by authoritarianism, nationalism, and other illiberal forces. Far-right parties are gaining traction in Europe, Vladimir Putin tightens his grip on Russia and undermines democracy abroad, and America struggles with poisonous threats from the right and left.</p> <p>But the defenders of democracy are strong too. Taking their cues from the 1788 Federalist Papers, the Renew Democracy Initiative is a collective of pro-democracy advocates from across the political spectrum, including Anne Applebaum, Garry Kasparov, Max Boot, Bret Stephens, and Natan Sharansky. This book is their foundational document, a collection of essays that analyze the multi-pronged threats to liberal democracy in the U.S. and abroad, and offer solutions based on fundamental democratic principles such as freedom of speech, a free press, and the rule of law.</p> <p><em>Fight for Liberty</em> is a roadmap for the struggle against the rising tide of extremism and a <em>cri de coeur</em> in defense of the liberal world order, which sees itself threatened as never before today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:1,925円
- レビュー件数:0件
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MOC 関連ツイート
担当者「養子の件ですが~」私『え?なんの話ですか?』両親「姉夫婦に子どもを・・・」夫「金に目がくらんでオッケーした。義姉さん可哀想だろ」 → 役場「私さん・・!」結果・・
@newresu 2018/04/01 15:20
@moc_chiry 2018/04/01 13:40
@jimina______moc 迎え有難うジミニヒョン
@___li__xx__o 2018/04/01 14:03
@moc_ox お互い頑張りましょう b
@Riz_kkc_1026 2018/04/01 14:55
@moc_chi24 はじめまして!コメント失礼します!
@mori121keiji 2018/04/01 14:27
@Jamane_bot 2018/04/01 13:31