When the Lights Go Out: April Fools For Love【電子書籍】[ Roxy Mews ]
<p data-version='1.1'>Named after the date of her conception, April Prime was used to hiding away and avoiding the world on April Fools' Day. Or at the very least avoiding her parents who tended to celebrate the holiday very differently from the rest of the world.<br/><br/>This year would be different. This year she closed on a home, and was taking control of her life. A few hiccups had her headed to an office supply store in search of moving supplies. Crashing through a bathroom door, she stumbled on a bit more than she expected when mister tall, dark, and indisposed was already using the facilities.<br/><br/>Taylor James was stuck being the brunt of yet another round of April Fools' pranks. One of them being a change of the bathroom door signs. He went to work knowing he'd have to navigate a mine field. What he didn't expect was a woman bursting in on him only to send his head spinning.<br/><br/>Despite the scenery, April is ready to make a red-faced retreat. That's when a car crash knocks out the power to everything inside the store, including the electronic locks.<br/>?</p><p>By the glow of the emergency flood light the two realize they may be stuck for a long while. April and Taylor could wait out the inconvenience in silence, or they could capture a moment together, and just maybe find something special when the lights go out.<br/><br/>Warning: Sex in the dark may lead to orgasms and head injury.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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aprilfools 関連ツイート
RT @portF_: 【速報】グリッドガールに続き、グリッドキッズも廃止!次戦よりドライバーの母親が『グリッドママ』を務めることをFIAが正式に発表。新レギュレーション「ママのペナルティ」も導入決定 #F1jp #F1 #AprilFools https://t.co/ZDd…
@myonmyon_izawa 2018/04/01 13:29
(* ; ◇;) 아쉽지만, 나는 이제 가야할 시간이야-!
@aprilfools_aiba 2018/04/01 13:24
みんなに会えて嬉しかった!楽しかったよ~ ヽ(*^◇^ )/
조금 이따가 나 대신 다른 사람이 올거야!
그러니까 이름이... 하야... 하야마...? (이… https://t.co/qYZ93R1iUm
RT @portF_: 【速報】グリッドガールに続き、グリッドキッズも廃止!次戦よりドライバーの母親が『グリッドママ』を務めることをFIAが正式に発表。新レギュレーション「ママのペナルティ」も導入決定 #F1jp #F1 #AprilFools https://t.co/ZDd…
@garden_mj 2018/04/01 13:20
まじか、艦これウィジェットが垢BAN対象らしい。使うのやめます。 https://t.co/iRRqYzknRB #春のBANまつり
@moukin_fly 2018/04/01 13:25
RT @shiki_jp: ミュージカル『リトルマーメイド』が日本上演5周年を迎える今年、劇団四季は新たな舞台、海中上演を決定!人魚伝説の元になったジュゴンを主演に迎え、驚異の海中ミュージカル『リアルマーメイド』をお届けします。https://t.co/zLgexjdwXQ #…
@sibagirulieben 2018/04/01 13:22
まじか、艦これウィジェットが垢BAN対象らしい。使うのやめます。 https://t.co/hbsrjsJs6U #春のBANまつり
@snowsnowdawn 2018/04/01 13:18