April Fools' Day in Vroostock【電子書籍】[ W. Michael Pyatt ]
<p>The author asks what would draw two people from different centuries to the small railroad town of Vroostock, Montana, in what appeared to be for random reasons. And, just what events would ultimately cause the intersection of these two lives? For what reason? Both were born on April 1, and found significance in that day for different reasons, which shall be revealed. And both experienced a tragic loss in their livesone at birth, the other at the age of 33. As you shal find, there are surprises in store for the two men, and all who take the ride to Vroostock on Aprils Fools Day. This drama, a series of events that are so compelling, asks the reader whether it possible for these two souls circuitous paths to intersect in this world. The answer will surprise and inspire you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:459円
- レビュー件数:0件
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aprilfools 関連ツイート
着信!!! #Toonami #FLCL #AprilFools
@AngelCam7 2018/04/01 13:20
RT @lotusjuice: ごめんなさい…
@Tawashi1101 2018/04/01 13:16
Lotus Juiceと?武内駿輔?
#AprilFools https://t.co/51ZaS8c1i1
RT @lotusjuice: というわけで!
@tkrtn3 2018/04/01 13:18
Lotus Juiceと武内駿輔のコンビ!
詳細はこちら https://t.co/utu0r6NT9h
RT @portF_: 【速報】グリッドガールに続き、グリッドキッズも廃止!次戦よりドライバーの母親が『グリッドママ』を務めることをFIAが正式に発表。新レギュレーション「ママのペナルティ」も導入決定 #F1jp #F1 #AprilFools https://t.co/ZDd…
@myonmyon_izawa 2018/04/01 13:29
RT @shiki_jp: ミュージカル『リトルマーメイド』が日本上演5周年を迎える今年、劇団四季は新たな舞台、海中上演を決定!人魚伝説の元になったジュゴンを主演に迎え、驚異の海中ミュージカル『リアルマーメイド』をお届けします。https://t.co/zLgexjdwXQ #…
@macchan1936 2018/04/01 13:18
RT @lotusjuice: というわけで!
@sometime_p 2018/04/01 13:17
Lotus Juiceと武内駿輔のコンビ!
詳細はこちら https://t.co/utu0r6NT9h